Jocko and Good Deal Dave Analyze some issues and look for solutions.
Jocko and Good Deal Dave Analyze some issues and look for solutions.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:03:33 - The Talent War. How to build a winning team.
3:21:22 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
3:27:49 - How to stay on THE PATH.
3:47:06 - Closing gratitude.
Three years onto the Iraq War, the country is in flames and American support for the war is waning. Jocko leads Task Unit Bruiser into Ramadi, the capital of the al Qaeda caliphate, as a part of an effort to engage with local leaders and prove that a counter-insurgency strategy can turn things around.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:12:07 - "Wish It Was True", by The White Buffalo.
0:16:23 - Jake Smith, The White Buffalo.
1:41:26 - "No History", by The White Buffalo
1:44:50 - How to stay on THE PATH
2:05:35 - Closing Gratitude
0:00:00 - Opening
0:04:24 - Gunnery Sgt. Justin LeHew
3:52:53 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
4:09:13 - How to stay on THE PATH.
4:30:49 - Closing Gratitude.
With many political and military leaders pronouncing the Iraq War a failure, Jocko prepares to lead his SEAL Task Unit into a battle that will change the course of the conflict.
Jocko completes his first tour and heads back to the US as Iraq begins to come apart at the sectarian seams.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:08:15 - Mike Day. "Perfectly Wounded" and shot 27 times.
2:50:24 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:58:06 - How to be capable and STAY ON THE PATH.
3:15:52 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:01:43 - Combat Lessons Book 2.
2:06:20 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:08:47 - How to stay on THE PATH.
After the fall of Saddam’s regime, US forces struggle to provide security as an insurgency takes shape. Jocko’s first tour is action-packed, but ends as Iraq spirals out of control.
The traumatic experience of Vietnam shapes the US approach to the Gulf War. The easy victory in Kuwait shapes expectations of the Global War on Terror.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:08:00 - Combat Lessons: Rank and File in Combat: What They're Doing and How They're Doing It.
1:44:08 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:06:32 - How to stay on THE PATH.
2:34:11 - Closing Gratitude.
The Cold War and the Islamic revolutions of 1979 raises false hope among US policymakers for Saddam Hussein, whose blood-soaked reign would begin and end in war.
Jocko and Darryl Cooper discuss the "beginnings" of the war on terror.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:05:35 - Wuzi, by Wu Chee
1:41:21 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
1:42:24 - How to stay on THE PATH.
2:05:31 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:03:22 - Army Techniques Publication / FM 3-21.10
1:35:08 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
1:36:40 - How to stay on THE PATH.
1:56"08 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:05:49 - Jeff Higgs. The Projects, Military, and Martial Arts.
2:07:21 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:35:30 - How to stay on THE PATH.
2:50:40 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:09:51 - General John Gronski.
2:49:51 - How to stay on THE PATH.
3:08:18 - Closing Gratitude
0:00:00 - Opening.
0:09:39 - Counter Insurgency Manual. FM 3-24
1:50:57 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
1:55:35 - How to stay on THE PATH.
2:21:07 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:00:47 - The Boer War. By Jay Stone and Erwin Schmidl
1:29:11 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
1:33:05 - How to stay on THE PATH.
1:53:10 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:15:25 - The Boer War. By Jay Stone and Erwin Schmidl
1:23:29 - Final Thoughts and take-aways.
1:24:51 - How to stay on THE PATH.
1:50:43 - Closing gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:06:01 - Top Gun fighting tactics.
2:27:27 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
2:40:51 - How to stay on THE PATH
3:01:55 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:06:54 - Dan Pederson. The founding of Top Gun. USN.
3:48:29 - Final Thoughts and take-aways.
3:54:22 - Hot to stay on The PATH.
4:07:06 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00: 00 - Opening
0:10:59 - General Omar Bradley's take on Leadership.
1:49:15 - Final thoughts and take-aways.
1:50:42 - How to stay on THE PATH.
2:06:14 - Closing Gratitude