0:00:00 - Opening
0:06:25 - Training and Going to Vietnam
0:44:02 - Differences between Volunteers VS Draft guys.
0:45:26 - Wounded in a Fire Fight.
0:50:20 - More Deployments to Vietnam.
1:05:01 - Kilo Platoon Deployment to Vietnam.
1:22:28 - OP Tempo.
1:30:46 - Blue on Blue and Lessons.
1:38:07 - The Stay-Behind Ambush.
2:01:43 - The Fist Fight with a Big Dude.
2:04:33 - Becoming a Warrant Officer.
2:05:29 - Advice on Going into the SEAL Teams.
2:12:02 - Some details about the Boobie Traps in Vietnam.
2:17:19 - Support, Cool Onnit, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster 003.
2:28:35 - Closing Gratitude.
Memorial Day, 2017. Don't forget to smile.
0:00:00 - Opening.
0:03:59 - Intro to Capt. Charlie Plumb. "I'm No Hero" (book)
0:16:43 - Vietnam War and Flight Training.
0:29:15 - Deployment to Vietnam.
0:44:14 - Shot Down.
0:59:07 - The Hanoi Hilton.
2:26:35 - Release from The Hanoi Hilton.
2:30:44 - Life after Imprisonment.
2:38:40 - Reflections and Lessons Learned.
3:01:06 - Support, Cool Onnit, Amazon, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster 003.
3:12:25 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:03:19 - "Conversations With Dick Winters", by Dick Winters.
0:06:26 - Dick Winters's take on detaching the situation for a beneficial and accurate overview.
0:13:12 - Leadership: Discipline.
0:23:16 - Leadership: Honesty, Dependability, Fairness, and Presence.
1:443:49 - Understanding Others.
1:52:05 - Take-aways from Dick Winters.
2:00:47 - Closing: Life can be hard and beautiful.
2:19:16 - Support, Cool Onnit, Amazon, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster 003.
2:56:55 - Closing Gratitude.
0:00:00 - Opening
0:12:06 - Crazy from the start.
0:17:39 - Introduction to Music.
0:30:17 - New York Life.
0:40:54 - The Hard Core Scene.
0:48:09 - Skin Heads and Drugs.
0:57:51 - More trouble in New York.
1:12:16 - The Cro-Mags.
1:34:23 - Sinking deep into Darkness.
1:45:43 - Bouncing back. Jiu Jitsu, etc.
1:55:36 - The Break Up.
2:06:11 - Focusing on Family.
2:16:45 - Another Violent Incident.
2:24:51 - Finding the Good.
2:36:44 - Losing Mother.
2:42:45 - Final Thoughts.
2:49:11 - Support, Cool Onnit, Amazon, JockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), (Jocko's Kids' Book) Way of the Warrior Kid, and The Muster 003.
3:23:45 - Closing Gratitude.